Design Technology
The Design and Technology curriculum offer follows the National Curriculum in KS1 and KS2 and the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters in the Early Years. The Design and Technology curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Where required, pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoints.
We have built our own scheme of work which builds in complexity so that pupils can build their skills and knowledge. Knowledge and skills are constantly revisited and refreshed to ensure that they become embedded. To aid understanding subject specific vocabulary is taught explicitly within every lesson. We have created end points for each topic and milestones for the end of each year to show what pupils should know and can do.
Pupils come from a mixed urban area of Wirral. We have selected designers, architects and chefs to study, male and female, who share the context of the pupils. To build pupils’ cultural capital, they also study the work of designers who are nationally important.