Home Learning
Any work set for home is not intended to be a chore for parents/carers or children. Instead, the purpose is to help reinforce what your child has learnt in school and give you an opportunity to experience and enjoy their progress. With the exception of reading, our home learning is all completed on learning apps or online, this means children enjoy completing tasks and are continually improving their Maths, English and Reading skills without even realising it!
To help aid your child's learning at home, we have collated a Home Learning Expectations Overview which you can view here. This overview explains the expectations for each year group and subject area.
Provisions & Access
School will provide all reading books, children will also bring home a 'reading for pleasure' book from their class library. School will provide children with any log in details and passwords they need to access the homework apps. These can be found in your child's reading record for safekeeping. If you need any help accessing any learning platforms click on the relevant icon below and you will be directed to a handy user guide.
Learning Platforms
Early Years Foundation Stage - Nursery & Reception will recieve weekly home learning challenges via their class e-mail adress. Please look out for these challenges in your inbox.
Reception - Year 6 Reading
At Well Lane we prioritise reading. Please read with your child as much as possible. Children should be reading daily. Please sign and date the home reading diary when your child has read. You may also like to make a comment.
See the table below that shows how frequently we send home reading books- it varies according to age and stage.
Reception, Y1 and some Y2 pupils follow the Read Write Inc scheme (RWI). Pupils in Y2-Y6 use the Oxford Reading Tree scheme. Pupils reading RWI books must have their reading book and home reading diary in school every day.
Further Parent information and guidance regarding supporting your child’s reading can be found below: