Medication at School
Medication at School
School can administer medication to your child during the school day providing we have a completed consent form. A copy of our medication form can be obtained from the office, or alternatively can found in the documents section below for completion at home and handed in to the school office along with any medication.
Medication Considerations for Parents/Carers
Medication requirements:-
- will only be accepted in their original containers
- must be in date
- if dispensed by a pharmacist must be in the name of the child
- if obtained over the counter (OTC) such as paracetamol of ibuprofen the medication must be age appropriate
- must be handed in and collected by an adult from reception. Children must not bring in medication and will not be given medication to take home with them
Medication necessity:-
- whilst school can administer medication with parent/carer consent, where medication administration times allow, if medication can be given at home please avoid sending medicines into school unnecessarily
Regular Medication & Medical Conditions
Children who take regular medication must have a Notification of Medical Condition Form completed. This can be found below in the documents section. You can request a copy from our School Office or download a copy for completion at home and then handed in to the office.
- All medical conditions must be notified to school
- Any changes to medical condidtions and/or changes to medication must be notified immediately to school
- Regular medication must be promptly ordered and provided to school to ensure continuity of regular medication
- Any child with Asthma must also have a Asthma Card completed for their school record
If you have any concerns about medication at school or a medical condition your child may have or has, you may contact our SENDco, Mrs Stocker. Further details can be found on our SENDCo page.
You can also find details of related policies on in the Policies section of our website
- 24 Disability Policy
- 30 First Aid Policy
- 43 Medicines Policy
- 55 Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Policy
- 76 Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School
- 77 Supporting Children with Medical Conditions
- 119 Accessiblity Policy