Welcome to Nursery’s Class Page
Class Teacher: Mrs Jenkins
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Walker
To support your child, please ensure that they come to school EVERYDAY with a warm waterproof coat and are wearing their full school uniform with black school shoes.
All items of clothing and shoes should be clearly labelled with your child's name.
Children should bring his/her book bag to school everyday and share books daily with a grown-up.
Weekly home learning challenges will be emailed out to pupils on a Friday.
Please share photographs of home learning via email so we can share all pupils' achievements with the class.
Well Lane Nursery
Our Nursery setting has many exciting areas for the children to play and learn in. Children have time to explore all areas during continuous provision. The areas are regularly enhanced with resources to support our topics, follow the interests of the children and help to develop their skills.
We aim to develop the whole child by providing a happy safe environment, increasing their independence and self-esteem whilst following the requirements provided by the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.
Nursery School Day
Nursery children attend during a morning session.
Children are welcomed at the EYFS entrance at the front of the school on Park Road.
Doors open at 8:45am until 11.45am.
We have provision for children who are entitled to 30-hours funding. These children will be collected at 3.10pm from the EYFS and dismissed with the Reception children.
Nursery children receive a free piece of fruit or a vegetable during the morning session, as part of the government-funded scheme. Milk is also available. Children have access to water throughout the day and are encouraged to bring in a named bottle filled with water.
As part of our learning, we cook and taste different foods, so it is important to share any dietary requirements or allergies with school.
Children staying for 30-hours are required to bring a healthy nutritious lunch in a named lunch box with a drink.
Early Years Curriculum
There are 7 Areas of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which all activities are planned around.
Areas of Learning:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design
Planning for learning in Nursery is carefully organised to provide a range of learning experiences. Each week activities are planned to reflect our topic-based curriculum, the interests of the children or in response to specific events. To bring our curriculum alive, we organise visitors into school and take the children on class trips.
See regular updates on what we are doing in school on our school Instagram account.