The Reading curriculum we offer follows the national curriculum in KS1 and KS2 and the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters in the early years. The Reading curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Where required, pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoints.
At Well Lane, we aim for all pupils to learn to read fluently and with understanding. We aim to meet – and where possible exceed – the expectations laid out in the Early Learning Goals and National Curriculum. We want to develop secure, confident, independent readers who enjoy and understand the benefits that reading brings.
The direct teaching of reading starts with oracy and phonics. We follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme, with this being complemented by purposeful talk and the use of shared reading experiences that expose pupils to a wider range of vocabulary, syntax and sentence structure. Our children receive a daily phonics lesson in which they participate in speaking, listening and spelling activities that are matched to their developmental needs.
Teachers draw upon observations and continuous assessment to ensure that children are stretched and challenged, and to identify those children who may need additional support. We aim for all pupils to finish the programme by the end of KS1. If their decoding skills are secure before this time, they undertake structured comprehension lessons. If they are not secure by the end of KS1, they will continue to access the RWI programme in Year 3.
By KS2, our aim is for all pupils to be ready for our daily, whole-class reading lessons. The focus here is on the development of vocabulary, fluency, reading stamina, specific reading skills and knowledge through immersion into a wide range of texts. For each year group, these lessons are based on a series of themed texts and class novels, with these acting as a stimulus for skill development and deep thinking. These texts cover a range of fiction and non-fiction genres that aim to develop pupils’ cultural capital, general knowledge and wider understanding.
In addition, Geography and History lessons in KS2 are based on a series of text-based booklets, with these being used as part of an ‘everybody reads’ approach across the curriculum.
Reading for pleasure is also a focus throughout our schools, with school and class libraries providing books for home reading, and initiatives being undertaken to promote reading as a positive past-time.
Children in reception have a daily RWI lesson and take home a phonics book that is matched to their level. Children also choose a book to take home for pleasure.
In our provision the children enjoy accessing the reading area to enjoy reading books for pleasure and listening to stories from the ipad using QR codes that link to our favourite five stories.
Year 1 and Year 2
Children in Year 1 and 2 have a daily RWI lesson. (See RWI curriculum page.) Children in Years 1 and 2 take home a reading book that is matched to their phonics level and also choose a library book that they can read at home for pleasure.
Children enjoy spending time in their class libraries reading books for pleasure and listening to their class teacher read to them everyday from their chosen class novel.
Years 3 and 4
In lower key stage 2, our whole class comprehension lessons explicitly focus on developing fluency, vocabulary and reading skills. Each week, lessons are based on one text of around 500-800 words, with the length increasing as the year progresses. There is an opportunity to develop reading for pleasure on the final day of each week.
Children enjoy listening to their chosen class novels daily and spending time in their class libraries reading books for pleasure.
Years 5 and 6
In upper key stage 2, whole class reading lessons focus on pupils practising the application of comprehension skills. This is done through 3 daily lessons that use a spine of wide-ranging texts and a lesson linked to the class novel. There is a lesson to promote reading for pleasure. Lessons build on the work done in lower key stage 2 around comprehension skills and reading fluency.
Separate to this, there will be a week each half term linked to the class novel, this provides teachers with a chance to delve into themes and morals, and to make links within and across texts. In addition to this, there is a further week that explicitly builds on the fluency work done in lower key stage 2 and children practise fluency skills throughout the week.
Reading Areas
Each class has a reading area where children can select books and read books for pleasure. Areas are stocked with a wide range of books including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and newspapers that are suitable for the age of the children