Our SENCO is: Mrs L Stocker
Welcome to the SEND section
Our SEND policy can be found in the SEND Policies section.
Our SENDCo, Mrs Stocker, oversees the Special Educational Needs and Disability provision across the school.
Our Wellbeing and Mental Health Team, Mrs Ormond.
They can be be contacted in person via the school office, by telephone on 0151 645 9844 or
email on: schooloffice@well-lane.wirral.sch.uk.
"The teachers and classroom assistants (and children) were very welcoming, engaging and helpful with lessons. We happened to get chatting with your Mental Health TA’s in the staffroom, they’re fantastic and obviously very dedicated and experienced. You can tell that your school keep Wellbeing central to everything"
Children with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities and their families are a valued part of our school community. Our ultimate goal is that they participate fully in school life, fulfil their potential and experience good mental health. We seek to identify and build upon the pupils’ individual strengths and talents, whilst developing their identified area(s) of need. We do so by working closely with those who know them best – their parents and carers. We also work with external agencies, incorporating their specialist advice and training into our provision. We use what we know about each pupil to plan well-differentiated lessons which maximise inclusion for everybody.
At the heart of a happy, inclusive school is the strong mental health of its pupils, staff and parents/carers. Our Mental Health Team is based out of class and is there to support the mental health of our whole community. Through ELSA, A Confident Me and Mental Health First Aid sessions, they develop pupils’ emotional literacy and they run support sessions at lunchtime, as we recognise that some children benefit from a smaller, nurturing environment during unstructured times.
On this section of the website, you will find our SEND Policy and Information Report and our Accessibility Plan, which outline our aims, vision, procedures and processes to ensure that all children with SEND thrive. Please contact school if you have any questions or would like to discuss our SEND provision.